Project ID Project title Topic Period Project value
eurail fp1FP1 - MOTIONALFlagship Project 1 - Mobility management multimodal environment and digital enablersHORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA1-TT-0101/12/2022 - 30/09/2026€ 92.600.000,00
eurail fp2 FP2 - R2DATO Flagship Project 2 - Rail to Digital automated up to autonomous train operation HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA2-01 01/12/2022 - 31/05/2026 € 160.800.000,00
eurail fp3 FP3 - IAM4RAIL Flagship Project 3 - Holistic and Integrated Asset Management for Europe‘s RAIL System HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA3-01 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2026 € 106.900.000,00
eurail fp4 FP4 - RAIL4EARTH Flagship Project 4 - Sustainable and green rail systems HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA4-01 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2026 € 95.100.000,00
eurail fp5 FP5 - TRANS4M-R Flagship Project 5 - Transforming Europe‘s Rail Freight HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA5-01 01/07/2022 - 31/03/2026 € 95.100.000,00
eurail fp6 FP6 - FUTURE Flagship Project 6 - Delivering innovative rail services to revitalise capillary lines and regional rail services HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA6-01 01/12/2022 - 30/11/2026 € 32.900.000,00
eurail TRAVEL WISE TRansformation of AViation and rAirway soLutions toWards Integration and SynergiEs

Published Deliverables
HORIZON-ER-JU-2023-FA1-SESAR 01/10/2024 - 31/09/2027 € 4.999.172,81
eurail FP2-MORANE-2 MObile radio for RAilway Networks in Europe 2

Published Deliverables
HORIZON-ER-JU-2024-FA2-SNS 01/12/2024 - 30/09/2027 € 13.499.875,24