Newsletter 17 - FP3 Technical Management Team and Steering Committee meetings
The FP3-IAM4Rail team gathered for an important week of discussions and planning at the SNCF premises in Paris during the last week of November 2024. These meetings brought together first, members of the Technical Management Team (TMT) and in a later stage, the Steering Committee (SteCo) representatives to review progress, refine strategies and align efforts for the future of the project. We extend our heartfelt thanks to SNCF for their hospitality and for providing an exceptional venue that promoted productive exchanges and collaboration.
Newsletter 16 - Hitachi Rail GTS Spain demonstrator in two locations in Spain within FP3-IAM4RAIL Work Package3.
Within the scope of Work Package 3 (WP3) “Wayside Monitoring and TMS link: Design and Deployment” under ERJU Flagship Project 3 (FP3) IAM4RAIL programme, Hitachi Rail GTS Spain has participated in the implementation of Use Case 2, which aims to collect data from different assets and resources to achieve predictive maintenance for critical assets, as point machines, enabling informed decision-making related to traffic management activities.
Newsletter 15 - FP3 Mid-Term Event
The FP3-IAM4Rail project recently celebrated its Mid-Term Event, hosted at the UIC (International Union of Railways) premises in Paris. The gathering provided an opportunity for project partners, stakeholders, academia and industry experts to reflect on achievements, share insights and set the course for the second phase of the project.
Newsletter 14 - InnoTrans2024
InnoTrans 2024: A Retrospective on Innovation and Future Mobility Solutions
Newsletter 13 - Significant progress in Genoa, Italy: Technical Management Team and Steering Committee meetings
We are thrilled to share the latest developments from the FP3-IAM4Rail European project, a pioneering initiative within the Europe’s Rail Joint Undertaking. The first week of September, the Technical Management Team and Steering Committee gathered in Genoa, Italy, to engage in a series of decisive strategic discussions. These meetings represented a key moment in our ongoing effort to revolutionise railway asset management and drive the embracing of innovative technologies across Europe.
Newsletter 12 – Digital Innovations for Railway Infrastructure Management and Maintenance, Cluster E.
This document explores the main innovative technologies for the management and maintenance of railway infrastructure. The topics covered include the use of BIM for station supervision, track condition data fusion, the implementation of blockchain for virtual certification, automatic visual inspection by drones, and decision support systems for station asset management. These solutions aim to enhance the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the railway sector.
Newsletter 11 - Cluster A - Transversal Activities
A newsletter about Cluster A has been published. Learn more about this Cluster that unifies the common activities of the project including project coordination (Work Package 1); system vision, architecture and validation (Work Package 2); and dissemination, communication and exploitation activities (Work Package 20).
Newsletter 10 - Technical Management Team + Steering Committee May 2024
From May 28th to May 30th, 2024, key events for the ERJU's FP3-IAM4Rail project took place in the Netherlands. The Technical Management Team (TMT) and Steering Committee (SC) meetings were held in Amersfoort Railcenter on the 28th and 29th, followed by a visit to Delft Technological University on the 30th.
Newsletter 9 - Monitoring of the entrance slope to tunnel 40 of the Palencia - La Coruña line (ppkk 277+100 - 277+457).
Monitoring of the entrance slope to tunnel 40 of the Palencia - A Coruña line (ppkk 277+100 - 277+457)
Newsletter 8 - Multi-Source/Multi-purpose IAMS application: scope refinement & quick wins.
Multi-Source/Multi-purpose IAMS application: scope refinement & quick wins
Newsletter 7 - FP3-IAM4RAIL Workshop on Data Analytics, Cluster B
Cluster B held a workshop dedicated to the application of DevOps paradigm within the context of WP3&WP4 with the goal of supporting the development of Data Analytics and Machine Learning applications.
Newsletter 6 - Rolling Stock Asset Management: On-board and Wayside Technologies, Cluster C.
Presentation of the latest developments from the FP3-IAM4Rail project, regarding Cluster C and rolling stock asset management: on-board and wayside technologies.
Newsletter 5 – Progress in Civil Engineering Asset Management for Railways.
Several meetings took place to talk about the progress in civil engineering asset management for railways, regarding work packages 12 and 13 CIVIL ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT FOR RAILWAYS.
Newsletter 4 – Wayside Monitoring and Traffic Management System Link meeting in ENYSE facilities, in Madrid. Cluster B.
Meeting held in Madrid, in the ENYSE facilities, regarding WAYSIDE MONITORING AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM LINK for CLUSTER B
Newsletter 3 – Wayside Monitoring and TMS link, Cluster B.
FP3 IAM4RAIL Cluster is focused on the design, deployment and validation of an Intelligent Asset Management System for wayside assets. This includes securely collecting, storing and analysing data from wayside assets and sharing information with the Traffic Management System (TMS). The work is the continuation on the work performed in previous Shift2rail projects, in particular In2Smart2.
Newsletter 2 – RailLive 2023.
RailLive 2023 was held in Madrid from Nov. 29th to Dec. 1st. Adif had a stand in the fair several activities were carried out in it.
Newsletter 1 – Rolling Stock Asset Management meeting in Adif facilities, Madrid. Cluster C.
Last September 2023, FP3-IAM4RAIL Cluster C got together in Madrid to discuss the development of architecture and specifications for their related Use Cases and integrated Demonstrators.
Representatives, researchers, and experts coming from WP5, WP6 and WP7 had specific sessions to continue their corresponding tasks, draft of deliverables, and finally, a common meeting between WPs in ADIF's premises.
A technical visit to Madrid Atocha Station and its Control and Regulation Centre (CRC) for Traffic Management ended the workshop.

FP3-IAM4RAIL project brochure
A project brochure has been created to be used by the project partners or other people that may need it to promote and inform about the FP3-IAM4Rail project. Download it here.