D4.1 - Automation Processes Collaboration Map

This deliverable will provide a comprehensive list of interfaces and exchanged items between this subproject and other internal and external stakeholders.

D27.2 – Specification of the Digital Register implementation(s) required in FP2- R2DATO

In this deliverable, all concrete Digital Register implementations that will be needed for different demonstrators, and for other Technical Enablers such as Data Factory, will be specified.

D26.1 – High-level consolidation

This deliverable will provide a high level consolidation of the prior work related to Modular Platforms and will capture the agreements of the partners regarding which aspects related to Modular Platforms will be specified within R2DATO.


D26.2 – Intermediate Modular Platform requirements, architecture and specification

This deliverable will capture an intermediate stage of the derived requirements on Modular Platforms, and the derived architecture and specification, for instance serving as input to the Onboard Platform Demonstrator in WP 36.


D5.2 Documentation of use cases for Perception system

This deliverable will provide a list of use cases and their expected behaviour which in turn will be translated to develop the requirements for the Perception system required for Automatic Train Operation in Mainline/Regional Line/Stabling & Shunting, Freight and Urban/Light Rail applications.

D5.4 Documentation of Use Cases for remote driving

This deliverable will contain a set of documents including analysis based on first input from SP and related Fas (e.g., regarding demonstrators) and definition for relevant use cases, operational parameters and scenarios in scope of passenger/freight/inspection vehicles and tramway applications.

D5.1 Documentation of use cases for automating functions

This deliverable will contain a report about actual existing and specified automated functions, tasks or related use cases with annotated target component as scope, a draft release for set of documents including analysis based on first input from SP and related Fas (e. regarding demonstrators) and definition for relevant use cases, operational parameters and scenarios in scope of passenger/freight and tramway applications.

D29.1 – List of use case definitions and requirements

Requirements and use cases for development, engineering, commissioning, maintenance and refurbishment in the context of DevOps and architectural evolution.

D29.2 – Analysis of applicability of solution approaches within the railway vehicle domain

Report on the applicability of approaches on evolvability from other domains, e.g. IT systems.

D5.5 Documentation of Freight specific user requirements for automation process

This deliverable will contain a set of documents defining user freight specific user requirements for all automation process subproject tasks e.g., automatic functions, ATO GoA 3/4 specification, safe perception system and remote driving.


D5.6 Documentation of urban user cases and operational rules for automation process

This deliverable will contain a set of documents defining harmonized urban use cases and operational rules for all automation process subproject TE.


D23.1 – List of use cases for the Onboard Communication Network

Use cases from the perspective of all relevant stakeholders ( sub system suppliers, railway undertakings).

D25.1 – Consolidate prior research works

In this report, it will be described how prior and ongoing activities on FRMCS and ACS relate, how a maximum extent of synergies among the concepts can be leveraged in the remainder of this WP, and how ACS concepts going beyond the FRMCS architecture and functionality can prospectively be integrated into the FRMCS system.

D5.3 ATO GoA3/4 Specifications review documentation

This deliverable will contain a review of existing specifications and previous projects outcome. Analysis of gaps (e.g. for freight) and inputs from the System Pillar will be part of the deliverable too.

D40.1 – Operational use cases collection

Collection of operational uses cases for demonstration of DATO in urban environment.

D40.3 – Lessons learnt report on approval processes for automated tramways

Guideline for future approval processes in urban environment.

D41.1 – Collection of test cases and validation criteria

Collection of test cases and validation criteria for remote driving of tramways demonstrator.